
To the Missionaries

Last month I had the amazing pleasure to get to spend a day with my best friend and 3 great guys in Seattle. It was one of the best summer days to this date. It was the day before Brayden (left) left for the MTC, and one week before Ryan (right) left for his mission as well. I'll never forget the great time we all had and the memories we made. Most importantly, and why I say something about these two, is they are now serving the Lord on full time missions. Elder Ryan Carter is currently in Ohio, even though he was called to West Virginia and having already such a successful mission. I receive updates from the work he's been involved in and it just amazes me how the Lord fulfills his work in this gospel not only through members, but through the missionaries. They are such great influences in the world and the best young men and women of their age anywhere. I have so much admiration for them and all they do to serve. Elder Brayden Schoonmaker is still at the MTC learning Mandarin Chinese, and will be serving in Riverside California. I look so forward to hearing news from them because their stories and faithfulness truly strengthen my testimony further. Thank you elders!


some pictures!

These are a little bit of my pictures. There's something I really enjoy about being behind my Cannon, being outdoors, and taking photographs of those little breath taking moments we might pass up too often. I have done family portraits before, and those are fun too, but theres just nothing like capturing a stunning moment in this beautiful world that was created for us.
Taking pictures has always been my side hobby, and my far fetched dream job. Realisticly, it's not like you can go really far with it, I mean, everyone has a camera so its not anything super special anymore. But maybe someday when I'm not caught up in whatever my career will be, I'll still be doing it. Because I honestly really want to. No ones ever told me its what I should do or I should shoot for this but I don't really care. I'm nowhere near being good yet....and these pictures I posted aren't that dazzling. I'm not even close to being where I want to with it... But I know I like it, and don't want to give it up. I'd love to have my cousin be my teacher in fine arts photography at BYU when I get there... (she's an amazing photographer) and I'd be having a ball at college with my classes if they were something I was truly engaged in. But again, I'll just wait on it and see what job my life takes me to :)  Still love it anyways. I hope I can find as many scenic places in Utah as I do here in the northwest.. It's treated me so well for good picture opportunities.  My options may be getting slimmer down there.. yikes.

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my wonderful mothers birthday. Since 1995 she's been an outstanding mom to my siblings and I. She's a great example to me and all around her. She takes care of others and always puts others before herself. She does so much for our family and we are truly spoiled with all she does around this house for our family. She's one of my best friends and so close to us. I love her to the moon and back. Happy Birthday Mom! 

To Kyle Andrus:

I thought I'd do a special shout out on this today for someone who has been a super good friend. 

Here's a little timeline:  

2011: I met Kyle Andrus (Or K-$ as we call him)at Especially For Youth. We were super close buddies the whole week and kept in touch after. One of the best guys from that session for sure. 

2012: I visited Utah for Christmas and my family was thinking about moving, so I gave them the idea of Logan, Utah, where Kyle lived because he said it was sooo pretty there. While house hunting, Kyle told me to find him. I kept sending him pictures of where we were, and somehow, we ended up in his neighborhood. We were SO excited and I luckily caught him right before he had to leave. It was amazing because we honestly never thought we'd see each other again!

2013: Our little joke of me moving to his town became TRUE! I'd always text him the progress of my dad trying to get a job down there, and finally it did. I saw him at EFY again this year and all we could talk about is how cool it would be to go to the same high school. Now, I'm moving in 2 months and that's exactly what we'll be doing. What are the odds?! We are still in shock that 2 long distant friends from efy are going to be able to be closer now. Its kinda crazyy.
 The reason I mention Kyle on here is because it's actually a thank you. You would not imagine the stress I have with this big move to a brand new high school. I never thought it would happen and now that its here I'm scared to death. I probably am really annoying to Kyle with my questions every day, but he's really been a big help in comforting me about this new school and reassuring me everything will be FINE. I still don't believe him but im just SO thankful for the opportunity of having ONE friend to start school with. It's probably going to make the biggest difference in the world having one person to start at a new school with. Most kids that move don't get that. Kyle has been awesome and he wants to make this a great year for me. I'm  SO LUCKY!! Now I won't have to eat my lunch all alone in my car or sit like a loner on my first day of school and have kids make fun of me;) Hahahahaha Super blessed. Thank you Kyle.

Especially For Youth

      I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It's one of the best things I have in my life. I am so proud to be apart of it because it's apart of ME. Every summer since 8th grade, I've been going to a church camp called "Especially For Youth". A lot of kids go to church camps, and by my understanding, they really enjoy them. But when I say I love EFY, and there's no "church" camp better... I mean that there is no other place I'd rather spend my time then there. Every summer that's what I look forward to - and it's what makes me a better person. After going for 3 years, I've noticed there's been a big lesson, or message my Heavenly Father wanted me to hear. The best part is I don't have to search for it, He has made it that obvious for me to know.
       Something that I have loved is the people. The people are incredible. There's something about bringing together Gods children in one place, for one week. As youth go throughout their daily lives, they get caught up in school, social events, and other things that distract them from the gospel and really digging deeper into it. The best part is, no one here is judging you this time for being who you really are. I personally know as a member in a place that people do not share my same standards, it's easy to be mocked for what you stand for. At Especially For Youth, we are all working towards the same goal. Every single person comes to EFY with a purpose, a question or an empty part in themselves looking to be filled by the Savior and this gospel. And if they don't come with one in mind, one is bound to show up for them at one point or another in that week. Over 3 summers, I've met some outstanding youth, who have built my testimony and made me aware that their are people like me, who respect me and what I believe, and really do care. It's the nicest change of pace you could have from High School.
My first year (Raise Your Thoughts) 
       at EFY,and with no exaggeration changed my life. Our company was outstanding, and bonded the second we met. We all became best friends. The boys were the by far the best gentleman I've gotten in all my years of going, and the girls did not lift a finger. They were pretty great for 14 year old boys to say the least;) The girls became best friends quickly and we all felt the spirit so strongly Thursday night together. The talks I had with them were some of the best. It amazes me how strong our youth is in the church today.
I still keep in touch with a lot of the kids in this group today. We've seen each other, met up, and still talk about our experiences we've had at EFY in more recent years. I love seeing them grow up and how they are today. I only hope for the best in their lives. The thing about EFY is that you are together for one week, where you are family. And after, you just pray that no matter where each others lives may go, that they are still as strong as they were that week.

Raise Your Thoughts Company 2011

Excuse the crazy hair, Pizza Night gets the best of us sometimes.. ;)

Second Year: "Perfectly Furnished"
  Something amazing about this group is that everyone was so loving and accepting. We had lots of different people with different backgrounds and stories and we really came together by the end of the week. Our counselors were AMAZING and strong examples to us. 
 One of the best things that happened at this session was because of a girl named Lucy. The EFY medoly was banned that year, because of copyright issues. The youth was devastated and the only way it could be sang is if it was started by the youth. Lucy, who I had the privilege of meeting the following year, had the courage to stand up on Friday night, and sing the first line of the song by herself.. in front of hundreds of youth. Of course, one by one stood and began singing it together with our arms locked together. The fact that no silly little setback could stop the youth from singing the song so dear to our hearts meant a lot to us. It impacted me in ways I couldn't imagine. That point in the week was one of the strongest times I felt the spirit. and it was amazing. Words cannot describe the memory well enough.

And by the way, McKenzie McCleeve, is AMAZING. She is on a mission right now, and is such a shining example to me. She taught me a lot, and she is only 20. And not to mention her awkward kissing/dating stories from BYU-I were pretty hilarious.

 Third Year: "Humility is Our Strength"
    I was privileged to have my best friend Makayla White come with me for a second year. By now, you know a lot of people at EFY because its like a family reunion every year. I knew a handful of people in my company and the classes this year were some of the best I've had. Every single person was so genuine and kind. The girls had such strong testimonies, and they are examples to me. The boys were such worthy priesthood holders and were so admirable. I loved this year at EFY. 
    One boy I met in particular was named Austin. He was from Vegas and a total country guy. We were good friends from the start of the week. Our dads were both dog handlers and did special forces for police work. I was shocked to hear at testimony meeting that he was planning to run away when he was 18, leave the church and join the marines. He said that this week he had received a confirming answer that he shouldn't anymore and he knew Heavenly Father wanted him to serve a mission and more than ready to go. You would've never guessed that this boy was changed so much in one week. While we were all hugging and crying afterwards I told him I was so proud of him for making that decision and to stay strong because of the amazing young man he was. Austin was such an amazing person and I truly admired this young man, along with the rest of the boys in my company too.

Jenna and Lucy (the one who stood up and sang the melody last year) Not only these girls, but all the girls in our group were so perfect. I was in awe. By Wednesday night, our counselor had us go around and say something special about all the girls in our group at night devo. We could've talked for hours! They were all so strong and faithful, beautiful daughters of God.

                                                                          One of my counselors, Brock Davies, the country fellow. We were really good friends through this week and he was the funniest guy ever. He is from TEXASand was like a big brother :)

The Musical Program: 
       There is something about music that the spirit is able to testify to you through when words cannot. I look forward to the musical program most every year, because it moves me in such a way other things do not. I am in no way a singer, but I am just fine sitting in the audience watching the choir on this one:) They sing and narrate with a slideshow that plays and it is one of the best things to sit through. Ever. The songs and the words they sing mean so much. And by the end of the program I'm a little baby in my seat bawling. I don't even pay attention to anything else around me at this, because for 1 hour its me, music, the spirit and the Savior, telling me what I need to hear. The spirit is incredible.
      This year the choir sang a song called "I Will" by Hilary Weeks as the finale. In the rest, the conductor invited us to stand up and sing the rest of the words with them. It was a brand new song and I was only reading words off a screen, but it hit me so hard. "I will stand, I will not fall, in a world that is weak I will be strong. In a world where so many will not... I will." Call me cheesy but there's something about 400 youth singing all together such powerful words. Singing with words streaming down my face I knew I stood for something and I will always represent my Savior. Later that night after testimony meeting, my counselor Brittany came in to mine and Makaylas dorms in tears. She looked at me and got all choked up. She said; "I just have to tell you something Maddie. Usually counselors have a tougher time getting effected really strongly by the spirit at the musical program because we do this every week. But as we sang "I will" I happened to look over and see your face, your tears, and your sweet spirit shining through as you sang those words. It made me start to cry. Your testimony was shown to me through that and I wanted to thank you for building mine just because of what you did. I see you are so strong and I was instantly strengthened by seeing the youth be so affected by the musical program." We shared more words (and hugs) but Brittany telling me that made one of the biggest impacts on me that week. Me? Maddie, a teenager affected an adult and a return missionary? Her saying that meant more to me than words can describe.
     The final song of the night is known as the EFY melody. It is "As Sisters In Zion" & "Army Of Helaman" put into one. Usually I love to sing the first part, the young women sound so pretty and reverent. The thing I love about this melody is when the boys come in. It's the way I feel. Hearing the words (to name a few) " We have been taught as Nephi of old, to goodly parents who love the Lord. We have been taught and we understand, that we must do as the Lord commands. We are as the army of Helaman, we have been taught in our youth, and we will be the Lords missionaries to bring the word its truth." impact me every time. Young valiant priesthood holders singing those words is quite a changing thing to hear. It reminds me of how strong, righteous, and faithful the priesthood holders of this church are, and it makes me proud to see good young men among us today. I'm so thankful for all of the blessings the priesthood has blessed me with, and the good men who hold it. It has blessed me so many times throughout my life, and I can't wait until I will be able to find a man who respects and honors his priesthood and can take me to the temple. I am so thankful for the strong men who lead our church in this day.


My very first counselors ever, from 2011, Raise Our Thoughts: Marcus Ellison and Ajri McAurthur. They were incredible. Really big testimonies and wise words I'll always remember.

Brock Davies. THE ROCK. The Texas brother that was sooo cool. He was hilarious and had the biggest heart. He told us in his testimony to never forget what we learned here, and that every time we heard the word "rock" to think of him and his testimony and how he knows that the church is true. Whenever I hear rock in church or in the scriptures I actually think of him now and the words he was so longing for the youth to understand. He was awesome. 

McKenzie and Justin... and Sky on the ground. Haha. Every single one of those counselors are so fun loving and 100% there for the youth and helping us grow. We get the chance to interact with all of the counselors throughout the week and they are truly such inspiring young adults in the church.

McMarcus Golden Face, is what we named him and its stuck with him at every EFY now! His testimony is one I'll never forget. We saw each other at other EFY's and he still calls me little sister. He is one counselor over the years that really impacted me and helped build my own testimony.
Brittany! Oh sweet, silly, crazy Brittany. I'm sure she thought Makayla and I were a handful the first day we walked in this year but she quickly became accustom to us : ) She helped me a lot with learning what to say to my friend who is investigating the church and we sat together one night and came up with a bunch of scriptures and concepts to help my friend back home. She was so excited when I told her I was thinking about serving a mission now because she said she had a feeling I should. Meant a lot :)

 McKenzie and Justin were just silly and fun with lots to share about the gospel. McKenzie is someone I really look up to for staying true to her standards. She's on a mission now :) Justin was a great guy with a huge heart and testimony. I'll never forget his story he gave about the church with the locked door, and his thoughts on the knock, ask, and receive scripture. Solid counselors right here. Loved them .

I got Brock to do the fierce sign. Nbd. 
Justin trying to kick like Makayla.

 In closing; These weeks I was able to learn about the gospel, feel the spirit, and gain a better testimony in my Heavenly Father and his Son, the Savior, Jesus Christ. This is the best "church camp" out there, because we are constantly learning and growing closer to God. I love this church, the person it makes me and this program that has helped me become so much stronger in life. The counselors and the kids here inspire your life, and are some of the greatest people you will ever meet. There's something so special about EFY and what it can do to youth lives. I'm so grateful for the gospel and my Savior and for every day he gives me. I can only pray that every one can be brought to this happiness I take part of every day.  I'm Maddie Minor and yeah, if you haven't noticed.. I'm a Mormon.


Seattle is so pretty at night

When all else fails

There's no better feeling that knowing Families can be Together Forever. I've learned to really appreciate that blessing over the past months. No matter what challenge approaches us, we will always have family, and know that they will be with us forever. Never take any day for granted with them because they are the ones who make you, you. That's one of the first things you should know about me. I love my family. We are one crazy bunch of 5, and yes, they make me Maddie. I'm still very much in the beginning of my life, and I already know they are the most precious thing to me.  So the lesson I'm being taught today is: When all else fails, you still have your family. There's nothing that can replace them, and there's nothing else that can impact you like your family does. And well... you're kinda stuck with them forever anyways, so.. make every day you get with them..a pretty darn good one.